Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

we are not an ANTI-SOCIAL

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

LOVE is for everyone

I believe that everyone should love and be loved by someone, no matter what sex they are. Love is one of the many gifts of life that everyone should have the ability to experience. I feel as though people should not have to be afraid to be who they are. If someone is homosexual, that is their choice and they should have the same rights as everyone else, I mean after all, “all people are created equal”.
Love is something that everyone person desires. Everyone has their own definition of love because it is a feeling that comes from within, but the general feeling of love is simply a fondness or appreciation for someone. You can’t help who you fall in love with. I don’t think it is right to make people feel uncomfortable about who they are just because some people do not agree with them. Not everyone is going to agree all the time. If everyone was the same way the world would be boring because there would not be any diversity. I feel as though people who make homosexuals feel uncomfortable with being themselves are heartless human beings.
Being denied the right to be with someone based on their sex is not a good feeling at all, I have experienced it personally. My mother flipped out on me when I was in ninth grade because I told her I liked a girl. She didn’t understand that I could careless about the fact that she was a girl and more about who she was as a person and the fact that she actually cared about me. My mom tried her hardest to keep me from talking to and seeing her, so eventually I just gave up on trying to convince my mom that it was nothing wrong with me and just gave in to what it was that she wanted me to be. I don’t feel good about not standing up at the time for what I believed in, but as a teenager who wants her freedom, its hard to keep arguing and disagreeing with your mother. I am very proud of one of my old friends though. He finally came out and admitted to his father that he was homosexual and when his father flipped out on him, he stood his ground and simply told him that nothing that his father said would matter, he knew what he liked and nobody could change that.
Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.

menggapai mimpi menjadi kenyataan

Dengan segala ambisi dan mimpi yang ada di dalam diri, Anda pasti berharap Dewi Fortuna selalu mengiringi langkah Anda. Ingin sukses ada di tangan? Kuncinya terletak pada diri Anda sendiri!

Sudah pernah nonton film Dreamgirls yang bercerita tentang mimpi tiga gadis menjadi superstar? Mimpi memang membuat hidup jadi lebih indah. Masalahnya, meraih mimpi itu sama sekali tidak mudah. Tapi tenang saja, kartu akses menuju sukses bisa didapat dengan berbagai jalan. Dan saat Anda punya keinginan yang kuat, karpet merah akan terbentang di depan Anda untuk meraih harapan. Intinya, semuanya tergantung pada diri Anda!.

Adapun ke-7 cara menggapai impian Anda:

1. Ketahui Impian Anda
Bagaimana cara mengetahui keinginan dan minat Anda? Cukup dengan dengarkan kata hati, selain itu, perhatikan juga mimpi dan pikiran spontan yang keluar saat Anda tidak mengerjakan apa-apa. Saat sedang melamun, coba catat berbagai peristiwa yang membuat Anda merasa bahagia.
Begitu Anda sudah tahu tujuan hidup dengan jelas, sekarang tinggal lakukan strategi untuk mendapatkannya!

2. Jangan Terjebak Apriori
Saat berbagai keinginan berkecamuk di kepala, lakukan satu per satu. Kumpulkan konsentrasi Anda pada bidang yang ingin ditekuni. Solusi hidup sering bisa Anda dapatkan secara pelan, tidak sekaligus.
Hilangkan pikiran negatif soal pendapat orang lain atau pikiran buruk yang Anda ciptakan sendiri. Inilah kunci utama yang akan membuat Anda melangkah maju.

3. Tahu Cara Memilih
Dalam hidup mungkin Anda menemukan kalau beberapa rancana yang ingin dikerjakan ternyata ”tak saling nyambung”. Anda bingung antara beli rumah, mobil, atau menjalankan bisnis baru. Hasilnya, Anda dihadapkan pada kenyataan untuk memilih. Kalau sudah begini, pilih apa yang paling Anda inginkan. Pikirkan masak-masak mana yang harus dilakukan terlebih dulu.
Hanya Anda yang tahu keputusan yang terbaik bagi diri Anda. Mantapkan diri dan jangan ragu terhadap keputusan yang Anda ambil.

4. Bersikap Terbuka
Boleh saja punya cita-cita yang membuat Anda mempertaruhkan segalanya. Tapi ingat, tetaplah untuk mempertahankan semangat untuk bersikap fleksibel dan terbuka untuk berbagai kemungkinan. Satu cara untuk melatih attitude ini adalah saat menghadapi suatu problematika, coba cari tiga solusi yang berbeda. Dengan begitu, Anda bisa melihat satu permasalahan dari berbagai perspektif.
Banyak jalan menuju Roma, bila harus pakai “tersesat” dulu di Siberia, kenapa tidak?

5. Punya Keyakinan
Tak ada satu hal di dunia yang akan datang dengan sendirinya. Coba lihat saja biografi orang-orang terkenal, semua sukses selalu diawali dengan perjuangan. Begitu juga jika Anda memang punya impian yang ingin direalisasikan. Untuk memulai langkah, kenali dimana Anda berada. Setelah itu, usahakan untuk melangkah di jalur yang tepat!
”Putus asa”? Kata ini tidak ada di kamus Anda

6. Berhenti Menyalahkan Diri Sendiri
Hentikan pikiran buruk kalau cita-cita yang sedang Anda raih itu akan ”membawa korban”. Tenanglah, yang penting lakukan manajemen waktu yang baik. Berikan pengertian kepada keluarga bahwa kondisi itu hanya bersifat sementara. Fokuskan perhatian pada apa yang sedang dikerjakan, dan beri perhatian pada yang lain saat Anda punya waktu.
Lakukan pada apa yang Anda lakukan dengan tulus. Kebahagiaan pun akan ada di tangan Anda.

7. Berani Ambil Resiko
Agar bisa membantu melihat permasalahan dengan jelas, buatlah ”coretan” dari keputusan yang akan Anda ambil. Pada bagian pertama ”keputusan beresiko”, buatlah dua kolom yang berisi keuntunagan dan kerugian. Pada bagian berikutnya: ”keputusan tanpa resiko”, buat daftar yang sama. Dengan begitu, Anda bisa lebih mudah untuk mencari suatu solusi!
Berani ambil resiko adalah kunci keberhasilan.

Akhirnya ...selamat mencoba....!!!!!


Being kind is a way of living that keeps giving long after the kind thoughts, words, and actions have taken place. Kindness is a force without force, and it goes well beyond manners to the very heart of how people respect and treat one another.
Being kind is a vital way of making our own lives, and the lives of others, meaningful. Being kind allows us to communicate better with others, to be more self-compassionate, and to be a positive force in other people's lives. Kindness has its true source deep within you, and while some people are innately kind, it's something that everyone can cultivate by choice. In this article, you'll find a few initial suggestions to help you further develop kindness in your life.
1. Understand what kindness is and is not. At its most basic, kindness is about caring genuinely for others around you, wanting the best for them, and recognizing in them the same wants, needs, aspirations, and even fears that you have too. Kindness is warm, resilient, patient, trusting, loyal, and grateful.[1]Piero Ferrucci sees kindness as being about "making less effort" because it frees us from getting knotted up in negative attitudes and feelings such as resentment, jealousy, suspicion, and manipulation.[2] Ultimately, kindness is deep caring for all beings.
2. Be kind to yourself. Many people make the error of trying to be kind to others while not focusing on being kind to themselves. Some of this can stem from not liking aspects of yourself, but more often than not, it's sourced in the inability to know yourself better. And unfortunately, when you don't feel rock solid within yourself, your kindness to others risks falling into the deluded types of kindness described in the previous step. Or, it can lead to burn-out and disillusionment because you've put everyone else first. Self-knowledge allows you to see what causes you pain and conflict, and enables you to embrace your contradictions and inconsistencies. Self-knowledge allows the space to work on things about yourself that you're not happy with. In turn, self-knowledge helps to prevent you from projecting your negative aspects onto other people, thereby empowering you to treat other people with love and kindness.[4]
3. Be present. The greatest gift of kindness to another person is to be in the moment in their presence, to be listening with care, and to be genuinely attentive to them.
4. Be happy, joyful, and grateful. These emotions rest at the heart of kindness, allowing you to see the good in others and the world, enabling you to press through the challenges, despair, and cruelty you witness and experience, continuously restoring your sense of faith in humanity. Maintaining an optimistic attitude ensures that acts of kindness are committed with genuine joy and cheerfulness rather than with reluctance or out of a sense of duty or service. And keeping your sense of humor ensures that you don't take yourself too seriously and take life's contradictory and contrary moments with good faith.
5. Reflect on the kindness of other people. Think about the truly kind people in your life and how they make you feel. Do you carry their warm glow around in your heart every time you think of them? It is likely that you do because kindness lingers, warming you even when the hardest challenges face you. When other people find a way to love you for who you are, it's impossible to forget such trust and confirmation of worthiness, and their kindness lives on forever.
6. Cultivate kindness for the good of your own health. Improved psychological health and happiness comes from thinking more positively, and kindness is a positive mental state. While kindness is about giving and being open to others, giving kindness returns a sense of well-being and connectedness to us that improves our own mental state and health.

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

what is your good luck charms?

You may be familiar with good luck charms from your own culture, but what about other symbols of luck from around the world? Some of these symbols are seen as lucky. Other symbols as seen as having the ability to bring good fortune. Different cultures also have symbols forwarding off bad fortune or luck. A couple of these symbols are seen as wish makers. Here are the most popular symbols of luck from around the world

27 Popular Good Luck Charms
These insects are considered good luck in Asia. Crickets have also made their way into pop culture, including Cri-kee in Disney's Mulan and Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio. There was also The Cricket in Times Square from the great Chuck Jones.
When a ladybug lands on you it is said to be good luck. Killing a ladybug is considered bad luck.
Dragonflies are another lucky insect. The dragonfly was once considered to be a sign of a "good rice harvest." (Twin Groves Museums in the Classroom)
Scarabs date back to Ancient Egypt, when scarabs where considered good luck beetles. (Luckfactory.com)

Natural Objects
In Norse folklore, both the acorn and its bearer, the oak tree bring good fortune. A lone acorn is also thought to ward off lightening when placed in a windowsill. For more about the acorn and oak trees, read Superstitions About the Oak Tree and the Acorn.
Rainbows are considered lucky because we all know if we find the end of the rainbow there will be pot of gold. A rainbow also has seven easily discernible colors. The number seven is mentioned below.
Gems and Minerals:

Dolphins are considered lucky in many different cultures including the Ancient cultures of Greece, Sumer, Egypt, and Rome. For "Christians and Native Americans, the dolphin is a symbol of protection, and its image is said to bring good luck." (Ancient Spiral)
Pigs are considered a symbol of good luck in Germanic cultures.
Tortoises are considered a good luck symbol in Feng-Shui decorating.
Feng Shui and the Ganeshsa is the Hindu God of Luck. The elephant has also made its way into British, Canadian and United States cultures as a good luck charm in the 1930s. (Luckymojo.com)
Red Bats
Red bats are considered lucky in China. The red bat is thought to ward of evil. Five red bats can also represent the "five good fortunes" of health, love, longevity, love, wealth and virtue (Whats-your-sign.com)
Tigers are considered lucky in Chinese astrology. The tiger is also considered a protector against certain evils including theft and fire. (Usbridalguide.com)
Animal parts, not as attractive as symbols of whole animals, are also thought to be lucky. A rabbit's foot in Western cultures is generally lucky, and alligator teeth are said to bring luck to gamblers (Africa). 

Icons and Figures
A Buddha charm or statue is thought of as being lucky, especially if you rub the Buddha's belly.
Saint Christopher
As the patron saint of travelers, it is common for Catholics to have a Saint Christopher cross in their car.

Man-Made Objects
Dream Catchers
Dream catcher, from Native American culture are considered good fortune because they catch the negative images from dreams.
Red Chinese Lanterns
Red Chinese Lanterns are another red symbol of luck in the Chinese culture.
Horseshoes were thought to bring good fortune when they were hung up on the wall of a home or above a doorway. When horseshoes were made by blacksmiths, this added to the idea of luck that embodies the horseshoe. Blacksmithing was considered a lucky trade. (CSIOP)
"See a penny pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck. Leave it there and you'll despair." Some even take the idea of luck to the other side of the coin, and believe that if the coin is face down that it's best to leave it on the ground.
Coins have a place in Feng Shui as well, as luck bringers.
A Pot of Gold
A pot of gold is what you will find at the end of a rainbow, making it doubly lucky.

Symbols and Numbers
Nautical Star
The Nautical Star is seen as providing guidance, and it is a good luck symbol for sailors.
The Number Seven
The number seven is considered lucky by different cultures including the U.S. culture. The number seven is also considered a lucky number by people living in England (Wikiepdia.org). It's not just Western culture that holds the number seven in high regard on the luck scale.
In the mythology of Japan, there are the Seven Gods of Fortune.
The number seven is also important in world religions and spiritual beliefs including Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity.

Four Leaf Clover
The Four Leaf Clover is one of the better known Western symbols of luck, probably due to is popularity on St. Patrick's Day. Four-leaf clovers do exist, they just are not as common as the three-leaf variety. (Flora Brittanica). If you find one, it's considered good luck.
Although considered invasive by some, a gift of bamboo is considered good luck (Feng-shui-products-decorating-tips.com), specifically the Dracaena (botanical name) Lucky Bamboo.

Wish Makers 


A Wishing Well
A wishing well is a place where you toss a coin (another symbol of good luck) and make a wish. Wishing wells can be seen in children's programming on shows like Dragon Tales. Another fun example of a wishing well in popular culture is the wishing well the movie Goonies.
A wishbone is a symbol of good luck. It also is a wish maker. Two people tug on the wishbone, each making a wish. After the wishbone breaks, the person with the bigger piece will have their wish granted.
Stray Eyelash
A stray eyelash is seen as a wish maker, much like the wishbone. If a stray eyelash falls upon your cheek, place it on your finger and make a wish. Then blow the eyelash away.
Falling Star
A falling star or a "shooting" star as it is sometimes called asks the person lucky enough to see it to make a secret wish.

Ancient Spiral, http://www.ancientspiral.com
Artsmia, http://www.artsmia.org
Avenefica, http://avenefica.wordpress.com
CSIOP, Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, csicop
Feng-Shui Products, http://www.feng-shui-products-decorating-tips.com
Twin Groves, http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/wetlands/Dragonfiles/DragonFliesHist.html
US Bridal Guide, http://www.usbridalguide.com
What's Your Sign, http://www.whats-your-sign.com

dress cantik buat prom night


kadang kita bingung saat mau pergi ke prom night, untuk milih dress yang kayak mana kan. yang ini takut gak cocok yang itu takut norak , bingung kan. Nah sekarang jangan bingung lagi, disini kita udah nyiapin list of dress yang pastinya buat kamu lebih menawan lohhh!!

Dakota Fanning is a Royal Blue Beauty Puts on her best blue forward at the 2009 People’s Choice Awards at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on Wednesday evening. dress cantik ini cocok banget buat kamu yang punya kulit putih dan kaki jenjang 

Bella Thorne - World Premiere of 'The Muppets' in LA Dress model ini sangat cocok buat kamu yang punya pinggang kecil, membuat kamu terlihan sexy loh!!

 Taylor dresses in this pretty cream outfit while enjoying a night out at the “Teen Awards” at HMV Hammersmith Apollo in London. This sweet off-white lace dress owns a unique classic style which is filled with vintage British sense that is perfect for the young songstress. The whole dress is covered with delicate lace flowers that maximize your charming womanish appeal.

Selena Gomez Marchesa Best of 2011: best dressed celebs Di dress ini selena terlihar girly dan feminin lohh, whilst maintaining an air of sophistication. We predict big things!


Dianna Agron at Fox TCA Winter Party 2011 [red carpet].

she is my favorite.  Simple tapi menarik perhatian, ini cocok banget buat kamu yang gak mau ribett ribett nyari baju!! tapi jangan lupa juga padukan dress ini dengan sepatu dan rambut yang pas ya

 Her silk faille gown with drop waist and red self tie was paired with Stuart Weitzman ‘Femina’ pumps. Van Cleef & Arpels and a half up-half down hairstyle completed her look.

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

stop bullying and start radiating love

This blog is dedicated to everyone who thinks that bullying is not cool.

Bullying is when one person or a group of people scare or hurt someone else over and over again. Two of the main reasons people are bullied are because of appearance and social status,
They may see it as a way of being popular, or making themselves look tough and in charge.
Some people bully to get attention or things, or to make other people afraid of them. Others might be jealous of the person they are bullying. They may be being bullied themselves.
Bullies pick on the people they think don't fit in, maybe because of how they look, how they act (for example, kids who are shy and withdrawn), their race or religion, or because the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian.
There are so many examples of bullying example your friends hit you on the face, calling you a name that you don't like to hear.
Types of bullying:
1. Physical bullying includes any physical contact that would hurt or injure a person like hitting, kicking, punching, etc.
2. Verbal bullying is name-calling, making offensive remarks, or joking about a person's religion, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or the way they look.
3. Indirect bullying includes spreading rumors or stories about someone, telling others about something that was told to you in private, and excluding others from groups.
4 Social alienation is when a bully excludes someone from a group on purpose.
5 Intimidation is when a bully threatens someone else and frightens that person enough to make him or her do what the bully wants.
6. Cyberbullying is done by sending messages, pictures, or information using electronic media, computers (email & instant messages), or cell phones (text messaging & voicemail).

Bullying is wrong and is NOT to be tolerated

The effects of bullying can be devastating to a child. In fact, it can be so traumatizing that research has shown that it can leave emotional scars that carry into adulthood where they are found to be responsible for a host of psychological issues that cause great pain and suffering.

It means that if we do something good it will end good too.

Celebrities that got bullied, Demi Lovato, Zooey Deschanel and Lady Gaga.
Demi explained how being bullied as a young girl led to a series of problems for her in her life. "I've spoken openly about being bullied throughout the past few years," explains Lovato. "But one thing that I've never been able to feel comfortable talking about was the effects that it had on my life afterwards," she said. "I literally didn't know why they were being so mean to me and when I would ask them why they would just say 'Well, you're fat.' I was bullied because I was fat," she said.

while   "New Girl" star Zooey Deschanel explained that she wasn't quite as popular back in school. "Girls spit in my face, people were so mean to me, I'd cry every day," she tells Allure.
and Gaga told Rolling Stone she was “teased for being ugly, having a big nose, being annoying." She also told Ellen DeGeneres: “I didn't fit in at high school, I wanted to be like Boy George and I felt like a freak."

As you know Greyson Chance, along with other celebrities and musicians such as: Ellen DeGeneres, Colin Farrel, Joe Jonas, Demi Lovato, Dianna Agron and others have championed the cause to stop bullying both online and offline.
Perez Hilton and Miley Cyrus wrote via Twitter: "#RADIATELOVE."
Greyson Chance explained that bullying must be stop
and Dianna Agron wrote on her tumblr felldowntherabbithole.tumblr.com "We can always LET LOVE IN. Every single day.."
 "If you feel trapped, hurt or confused and need some guidance, THE TREVOR PROJECT is there for you.."said Dianna  http://www.thetrevorproject.org

and this website is also amazing, you can share all the things that you wanted to say http://youmeandcharlie.com/  twitter: @YMandCharlie

so proud of Greyson, Colin Farrel, Joe Jonas, Demi Lovato, Dianna Agron, Perez Hilton, Miley Cyrus  for standing up for what is right!

SONGS about Bullying and keep believing
* Don't Bully Me- Tyreke Thompson
* Skyscraper - Demi Lovato
* Don't stop believing - Glee
* The Climb - Miley Cyrus
* Don't Laugh at Me - Mark willis
* I feel Pretty/Unpretty - Glee
* Who says? - Selena Gomez
* Believe in Me- Demi Lovato
* You're Not Allone - MJ
* Firework - Katy Perry
* Born This Way - Lady Gaga

thanks for reading this :)